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About Love and Light Alchemy

Love and Light Alchemy has developed over 20 years of experiencing working with patients in a variety of capacities. 

It is a unique healing technique developed by me but combines many energetic healing modalities that are available for all to learn!


Meet Me!

Dr. Elizabeth Hesse, PSc D, was ordained as a minister and received her Pastoral medical License in 2019, to work with people on a higher level capacity.

" I have been felt more and more of a calling to work with people in new ways....exploring the boundaries of what we have thought we could do to help people heal. After working with a select number of people for over a year, it was time to bring these gifts and techniques to the world. I have a passion for helping any of those who resonate with me energy.....those that are willing to be brave and think outside the box of indoctrination we have all been bound to- and really explore the Quantum Field and how we can utilize it to aid in supporting us.  I have had success with physical issues (apraxia/speech, infections, detoxification, sleep, ADD/ADHD, skin issues, immune issues, digestive issues, preand post surgery support, pain etc) emotional support and trauma work, energetic support with chakra balancing.  My approach is very unique: I utilize a variety of techniques I have learned over the years, as well as my own intuitve abilities- including Autonomic Response Testing, EFT, Emotion Code, NET, Quantum neurology, KST, Wholistic Methylation, Pendulum Alchemy, color, sound and light therapies, crystals, essential oils and flower essences, fractals and other frequencies, are all alchemized to create a unique set of healing vibrations that are sent via the quantum field to help support all living creatures.  The depth and breadth and shift with this work has been astounding, and I am constantly amazed at what can be done!"

As a chiropractor, Dr. Elizabeth has been in practice for 20 years....but this is a new venture complete separate from her chiropractic practice.

Are you ready to take things to the next quantum level?


© 2020 Experience Health Inc.

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